paymymedical For Providers | Pay My Medical for Providers

Changing Patient Financing for the Better

Financing gives your patients the purchasing power to buy what they want, when they want. Traditional financing charges fees to the providers, thats wrong.

Pay My for Providers offers flexible financing options for patients at no cost to the provider.


Our pay-over-time solution increases the average order value by up to 45%. Industry leading approvals and the best experience for your customers.

Save Money

Traditional financing charges 3-15% transaction fee to the provider. Never pay a fee again with Pay My Medical for Providers


More Conversions

We work with of over 100 lenders to assure your patients get the best rates. We match patients with the best loan rates in real-time.

Easy Integration

Add a financing tab to your website and offer financing directly from your website or link out to

Case Study


Consumers securely shop for a participating lender. Using our B2B solution, with a push of buttons consumers answer a short form. The smart engine searches our network of over 100 lenders to match to match them with a participating lender.


25% Conversion Increase

Pay My increases conversion by reducing sticker shock and puts your items within reach of more consumers. In 3rd party tests done by our partners, conversion rates have increased by up to 25%.


30% Revenue Growth

With Pay My on your website, more people buy and they buy more. With sample tests done by our partners, revenue per visitor increase by 30%.

70% Higher Average Order Value

Pay My gives your customers more spending power – by enabling them to buy what they want today and pay over time. Our partners see an average order value increase of 70% on average.

90% Decrease in Accounts Receivable

Decrease your accounts receivable by allowing your customers to finance the money they owe you. In 3rd party tests done by our partners, up to a 90% decrease in accounts receivable was achieved.

Secured and Unsecured

If you look over loan descriptions, two descriptions you will see frequently appear are "secured" and "unsecured." The "security" of a loan refers to how lenders see the debt. Loans that are secured have collateral backing them up – an asset, usually tangible, with real world value that can be used to recover money lent if something goes wrong and the borrower defaults. Unsecure loans, meanwhile, do not use collateral to back up the loan, which increases the risk for the lender.

So which is a good option for you? That depends on what you are looking for: Unsecured loans are often faster and easier to get, but in return the interest rates and fees are often higher. Secured loans may have more favorable terms, but the process is often lengthier.

Open-End Credit (Lines of Credit, Credit Cards, etc.)

There's another way of dividing credit – as open-end and closed-end. Open-end credit allows you to withdraw money as you need it, over an extended period of time. Two common options here are lines of credit and credit cards, which work in similar ways. The advantage here is that you can immediately withdraw smaller sums of money for individual expenses as you work on a business project, travel through a foreign country, and so on. Additionally, interest rates don't usually apply to money that is not withdrawn from the account.

Closed-End Credit (Appliance Loans, Consumer Loan, etc.)

This credit option gives you a set sum of money upfront, which you then repay, plus interest, in continuing installments – what most people think of if they think about a traditional loan. Single payment loans, which require full repayment plus interest in one sum, are also in this category. The obvious advantage here is that you receive a lump sum of money immediately to make large payments or purchases. However, you also need careful financial control to ensure you can pay the loan back in the future.