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Medical Financing With Bad Credit

Medical expenses can often put a strain on your finances, especially if you have bad credit. Fortunately, there are options available for medical financing that can help you cover these costs. In this article, we will explore what medical loans are, how to qualify for them with bad credit, the best medical loans for individuals with bad credit, and how medical financing can affect your credit score.

What Is a Medical Loan?

A medical loan is a type of loan specifically designed to help individuals cover medical expenses. This can include anything from routine medical procedures to unexpected emergencies. Medical loans are typically unsecured personal loans, which means they do not require collateral.

How Can I Get a Medical Loan?

To get a medical loan, you will need to apply with a lender who offers this type of financing. The application process will typically involve providing information about your income, employment, and credit history. The lender will evaluate your application and determine the loan amount and interest rate based on your creditworthiness.

Are Personal Loans a Good Financing Option for Medical Expenses?

Personal loans can be a good financing option for medical expenses, especially if you have bad credit. Unlike credit cards, which often have higher interest rates and limit the amount you can borrow, personal loans typically offer lower interest rates and allow you to borrow larger amounts.

Can I Use a Medical Loan to Pay Off Medical Bills?

Yes, a medical loan can be used to pay off medical bills. If you have accumulated a significant amount of medical debt, a medical loan can provide you with the funds you need to settle these bills. This can help you avoid collection agencies and protect your credit score.

How Can I Qualify for a Medical Loan with Bad Credit?

Qualifying for a medical loan with bad credit can be challenging, but it's not impossible. While traditional lenders may be hesitant to approve your loan application due to your credit score, there are alternatives available.

What Credit Score Do I Need to Get a Medical Loan?

The credit score requirement to get a medical loan varies depending on the lender. Some lenders may require a minimum credit score of 600, while others may be more lenient. However, even if you have a low credit score, you can still explore options like online lenders, credit unions, or specialized medical financing providers.

Are There Alternatives to Medical Loans for Individuals with Bad Credit?

Yes, there are alternatives to medical loans for individuals with bad credit. One option is to look for medical providers who offer in-house financing or payment plans. These arrangements allow you to pay for your medical expenses over time without the need for a traditional loan.

How Does My Credit Score Impact My Ability to Get a Medical Loan?

Your credit score plays a significant role in your ability to get a medical loan. A higher credit score will increase your chances of approval and may help you secure a lower interest rate. On the other hand, a lower credit score can make it more difficult to qualify for a loan, and you may be offered higher interest rates as a result.

Best Medical Loans for Bad Credit

Despite having bad credit, there are still options available for obtaining a medical loan. Some lenders specialize in providing loans to individuals with poor credit, and they offer competitive terms and rates.

What Are the Top 4 Best Medical Loans for Individuals with Bad Credit?

  1. American Medical Loans - Offers medical loans specifically designed for individuals with bad credit.

  2. Medicredit - Provides medical loans with flexible repayment options and competitive interest rates.

  3. CareCredit - Offers a medical credit card that can be used for a wide range of medical procedures and expenses.

  4. Med Loan Finance - Provides personal loans for medical expenses with easy application and a quick approval process.

How Can I Apply for a Medical Loan with Bad Credit?

To apply for a medical loan with bad credit, start by researching lenders that offer loans to individuals with poor credit. Once you have identified a few options, compare their terms, interest rates, and application requirements. Fill out the application form with accurate and up-to-date information about your financial situation. Submit the application and wait for the lender's decision.

Are There Specific Lenders That Offer Bad Credit Medical Loans?

Yes, there are specific lenders that offer bad credit medical loans. These lenders understand the challenges faced by individuals with bad credit and are willing to work with borrowers to provide them with the financing they need.

How Does Medical Financing Affect My Credit Score?

When you take out a medical loan, it can impact your credit score. Understanding how medical financing affects your credit can help you make informed decisions about your financial health.

Does Taking Out a Medical Loan Impact My Credit?

Yes, taking out a medical loan can impact your credit. Similar to any other loan, your payment history, including any missed or late payments, will be reported to credit bureaus. It is crucial to make all your payments on time to avoid negative marks on your credit report. On the other hand, making regular, timely payments can help you establish a positive payment history.

What Happens If I Can't Pay My Medical Bills?

If you are unable to pay your medical bills, it can have serious consequences for your credit score. Unpaid bills can be sent to collection agencies, and these delinquencies will be reflected in your credit report. It is important to communicate with your medical provider and explore alternative options to address your outstanding balances.

Can I Use Medical Financing to Improve My Credit Score?

While medical financing can help you cover your medical expenses, it does not directly improve your credit score. However, by using medical financing responsibly and making all payments on time, you can establish a positive payment history, which can have a positive impact on your credit score over time.


In summary, medical loans can serve as a vital financial resource for individuals facing unexpected healthcare expenses, offering flexibility and potential solutions even for those with less-than-perfect credit. These loans provide a means to manage medical bills and protect one's credit score.

While personal loans can be a favorable option for medical financing, exploring specialized lenders and medical credit cards can offer tailored alternatives. The key takeaway is that options are available, even in the face of challenging credit circumstances.

It's crucial to understand that a credit score plays a pivotal role in the approval process and interest rates offered, but there are lenders specializing in bad credit medical loans. Responsible use of medical financing can also contribute positively to credit history over time.

In navigating the world of medical loans, borrowers should research lenders, compare terms, and communicate with medical providers to find the best-suited solution for their unique needs. Ultimately, these financial tools can help individuals prioritize their health and well-being without undue financial stress.


Q: What are medical loans for bad credit?

A: Medical loans for bad credit are loans specifically designed to help individuals with poor credit pay for medical expenses. These loans can be used to cover the cost of medical treatments, surgeries, dental procedures, and other healthcare-related expenses.

Q: How can I get a medical loan with bad credit?

A: Even with bad credit, you still have options for obtaining a medical loan. You can apply for a personal loan, which can be used to pay for medical costs. There are also specialized medical loans that can be used specifically for healthcare expenses. Although your credit score may impact the interest rate and the loan amount you qualify for, there are lenders who offer personal loans for individuals with bad credit.

Q: What are the alternatives to medical loans?

A: If you have bad credit or are unable to secure a medical loan, there are alternatives to consider. You can explore medical credit cards, which operate similar to traditional credit cards but are specifically designed for medical expenses. Another option is to negotiate with medical providers for a payment plan or to inquire about financial assistance programs that may be available.

Q: How do medical loans impact your credit?

A: Like any other loan, taking out a medical loan can impact your credit. Your credit score may be affected if you have a hard credit pull during the application process. Additionally, if you are late or miss payments on your medical loan, it can negatively impact your credit score. However, if you make timely payments and manage your loan responsibly, it can also have a positive impact on your credit in the long run.

Q: What are the best medical loans of 2023 for bad credit?

A: While it is difficult to predict the best medical loans of 2023 specifically for bad credit, there are lenders who specialize in providing loans to individuals with poor credit. It is best to research and compare lenders to find the one that offers favorable terms, interest rates, and loan amounts for individuals with bad credit.

Q: How can I apply for a medical loan?

A: To apply for a medical loan, you will need to find a lender that offers medical loans for individuals with bad credit. You can start by researching online or reaching out to local banking institutions. Once you have identified a suitable lender, you will need to fill out an application and provide the necessary documentation, such as proof of income and identification, to apply for the loan.

Q: What are the eligibility criteria for bad credit medical loans?

A: The eligibility criteria for bad credit medical loans can vary between lenders. However, common requirements include having a minimum credit score, proof of income to repay the loan, and documentation of medical expenses. It is best to check with the specific lender to determine their exact eligibility criteria.

Q: Can I use a medical loan to pay for medical bills?

A: Yes, a medical loan can be used to pay for medical bills. Whether it is for outstanding medical bills or upcoming medical expenses, a medical loan can provide the necessary funds to cover these costs. However, it is important to carefully consider your repayment ability before taking on additional debt.

Q: What is a bad credit medical loan?

A: A bad credit medical loan is a loan specifically designed for individuals with poor credit who need funds to cover medical expenses. These loans are typically unsecured, meaning they do not require collateral, and may have higher interest rates compared to loans for individuals with good credit.

Q: How do medical loans impact your credit score?

A: Taking out a medical loan can impact your credit score in several ways. Firstly, when you apply for a medical loan, the lender may perform a hard credit pull, which can temporarily lower your credit score. Secondly, if you make timely payments on your loan, it can have a positive impact on your credit score by demonstrating responsible repayment behavior. However, if you are unable to make payments or default on the loan, it can negatively affect your credit score.

Understanding Eligibility for Medical Loans

Medical expenses can put a significant strain on one's finances, especially when unexpected. Many people struggle to afford the high costs associated with medical treatments or procedures. In such cases, a medical loan can provide the necessary financial assistance. But what exactly is a medical loan, and how does it work?

What Is a Medical Loan and How Does It Work?

Understanding the Basics of Medical Loans

A medical loan is a type of personal loan specifically designed to cover medical expenses. It allows individuals to borrow the funds needed to pay for medical treatments, procedures, or other healthcare-related costs. These loans are usually offered by specialized lenders who understand the unique financial needs of patients.

How to Apply for a Medical Loan?

Applying for a medical loan is similar to applying for any other personal loan. You will need to provide information about your income, employment, and credit history. Lenders will assess your application and determine your eligibility based on various factors, including your credit score and ability to repay the loan.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for a Medical Loan?

The eligibility requirements for a medical loan may vary depending on the lender and the loan terms. Generally, lenders look for borrowers with a good credit score and stable income. Some lenders may also consider offering medical loans to individuals with bad credit, although the terms and interest rates might not be as favorable.

medical loan

Can I Get a Medical Loan with Bad Credit?

How Does Bad Credit Affect My Chances of Getting a Medical Loan?

Having bad credit can make it more challenging to qualify for a medical loan. Lenders typically consider credit scores as a measure of the borrower's financial responsibility. A low credit score may indicate a higher risk for the lender, making it less likely for them to approve the loan application or offer favorable terms.

Are There Any Options for Medical Loans for Bad Credit?

Despite having bad credit, there are still options available for those in need of a medical loan. Some lenders specialize in offering loans to individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores. These lenders may charge higher interest rates or require additional documentation, but they can provide a viable financing option for medical expenses.

What Are the Alternatives to a Medical Loan for People with Bad Credit?

If you are unable to secure a medical loan due to bad credit, there are alternatives to consider. One option is to explore medical credit cards, which are specifically designed for medical expenses. These cards often come with promotional financing offers and flexible payment plans. Another alternative is to negotiate a payment plan directly with the medical provider or seek financial assistance from charitable organizations or healthcare foundations.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Medical Loans?

Advantages of Using a Medical Loan for Financing

Medical loans provide a convenient and accessible way to pay for medical expenses. They allow individuals to receive necessary treatments or procedures without delay, avoiding potential health complications. Additionally, medical loans often have lower interest rates compared to credit cards, making them a more affordable financing option in the long run.

Disadvantages of Relying on a Medical Loan for Medical Expenses

One potential drawback of medical loans is the cost associated with interest rates and fees. Depending on the lender, medical loans may come with origination fees or higher APRs. Borrowers should carefully review the loan terms and calculate the total repayment amount to ensure they can comfortably manage the monthly payments.

Is a Medical Credit Card a Better Option Than a Medical Loan?

In some cases, a medical credit card may be a better financing option than a medical loan. Medical credit cards often offer promotional financing periods where no interest is charged if the balance is paid off within a certain timeframe. However, it is essential to carefully read the terms and conditions of the medical credit card and understand the consequences of not paying off the balance within the promotional period.

How Does My Credit Score Impact My Eligibility for a Medical Loan?

What Credit Score Do I Need to Qualify for a Medical Loan?

The credit score requirements for a medical loan may vary among lenders. Generally, a minimum credit score of around 600 or higher is preferred to qualify for favorable loan terms. However, there are lenders who offer medical loans to individuals with lower credit scores, although the interest rates and loan amount may be affected.

How Does a Low Credit Score Affect My Chances of Getting a Medical Loan?

A low credit score can make it more challenging to secure a medical loan. Lenders may view individuals with low credit scores as higher-risk borrowers, leading to higher interest rates or fewer loan options. It is important to work on improving your credit score to increase your chances of being approved for a medical loan with better terms in the future.

Can I Get a Medical Loan with No Credit Check?

Some lenders offer medical loans without conducting a traditional credit check. Instead, they may perform a soft credit inquiry that does not impact your credit score. These loans are typically based on other factors such as income and employment history. However, loans without credit checks might come with higher interest rates or stricter qualification criteria.

What Are the Best Options for Medical Loans in 2023?

Comparing Personal Loan Offers for Medical Expenses

When shopping for the best medical loan in 2023, it is crucial to compare personal loan offers from various lenders. Look for lenders that specialize in medical loans or offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms. Consider the loan amount, APR, and any additional fees before making a decision.

What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing the Best Medical Loan?

Several factors should be considered when selecting the best medical loan for your needs. Apart from interest rates and fees, consider the loan terms, repayment period, and whether the lender allows early repayment without penalties. Additionally, review customer reviews and ratings to gauge the lender's reputation and customer service quality.

Are There Any Lenders That Specialize in Medical Loans?

Yes, there are specialized lenders who focus on providing medical loans. These lenders understand the unique financial challenges faced by individuals seeking medical financing. They may offer more flexible terms and eligibility requirements tailored to the specific needs of medical loan applicants.


Understanding eligibility for medical loans is crucial when facing unexpected healthcare expenses. These loans offer a lifeline to individuals seeking financial assistance for medical treatments and procedures. While a good credit score and stable income are typically preferred by lenders, there are options available for those with less-than-perfect credit.

Medical credit cards and specialized lenders cater to various financial situations, providing flexibility in financing healthcare needs. However, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of medical loans, considering interest rates and fees. Comparing personal loan offers and researching lenders specializing in medical loans can help individuals make informed choices.

In 2023, the landscape for medical loans continues to evolve, with opportunities to secure favorable terms. It's crucial to consider factors like loan terms, repayment options, and early repayment policies when selecting the best medical loan.

Ultimately, by exploring alternatives, improving credit scores, and seeking out specialized lenders, individuals can access the financial support needed to prioritize their health without undue financial stress.


Q: How can I use a medical loan?

A: A medical loan can be used to pay for various medical costs, such as surgery, hospital stays, medications, dental treatments, and more. It provides you with the necessary funds to cover your medical expenses.

Q: Are medical loans only for individuals with excellent credit?

A: No, medical loans are available for individuals with all types of credit scores. There are lenders that offer medical loans for people with bad credit as well. However, having a good credit score may increase your chances of getting better rates and terms.

Q: What are the benefits of taking a medical loan?

A: Taking a medical loan allows you to pay off medical bills and expenses over time, rather than having to pay the whole amount upfront. It also gives you the flexibility to choose a repayment plan that suits your financial situation.

Q: Are medical loans secured or unsecured?

A: Medical loans are typically unsecured loans, which means you do not need to provide collateral to obtain the loan. Your creditworthiness and income will be the main factors considered by lenders when evaluating your loan application.

Q: Can I apply for a medical loan without impacting my credit score?

A: Yes, there are lenders that offer prequalification options, which allow you to check your credit and loan offers without a hard inquiry that affects your credit score. This way, you can explore your options without worrying about the impact on your credit.

Q: How do I qualify for a medical loan?

A: To qualify for a medical loan, you will typically need to meet certain credit requirements set by the lender. This may include having a certain credit score, a stable income, and a good credit history. Each lender may have different eligibility criteria.

Q: What is the interest rate for a medical loan?

A: The interest rates for medical loans can vary depending on factors such as your creditworthiness, the lender, and the loan amount. It is important to compare personal loan offers from different lenders to find the best rates and terms for your specific situation.

Q: Can credit unions also offer medical loans?

A: Yes, some credit unions also offer medical loans. Credit unions are nonprofit financial institutions that provide various loan options to their members. They may have competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms for medical loans.

Q: Can I use a personal loan to pay off medical debt?

A: Yes, you can use a personal loan to pay off medical debt. A personal loan can be used for any purpose, including consolidating medical bills into a single loan with a fixed interest rate and monthly payment.

Best Medical Loans for Bad Credit: Explore Your Options

Medical loans can be a lifeline for individuals with bad credit who need financial assistance to cover medical expenses. While having bad credit may limit your options, there are still lenders willing to work with you. By understanding how medical loans work, exploring the best options available, and improving your credit score, you can overcome any obstacles and find the financing you need to pay for necessary medical treatments.

What Are Medical Loans And How Do They Work?

Understanding Medical Loans

Medical loans are specialized loans designed specifically to cover medical expenses. These expenses can include surgeries, hospital stays, medication costs, or any other medical treatments that are not covered by insurance. A medical loan allows you to borrow a specific amount of money to pay for your medical bills, and then repay the loan over time with interest.

How Do Medical Loans Work?

When you apply for a medical loan, the lender will evaluate your credit history and other financial factors to determine if you qualify for the loan. If approved, you will receive the loan amount, which can vary depending on the lender and your specific needs. The loan is typically repaid in monthly installments over a set period of time.

Qualifying for a Medical Loan

Qualifying for a medical loan with bad credit can be challenging, but not impossible. Lenders may have minimum credit score requirements, but there are also lenders who specialize in providing medical loans for individuals with bad credit. These lenders understand that medical expenses can often lead to financial difficulties and are willing to work with borrowers who may have less-than-perfect credit.

Can I Get a Medical Loan with Bad Credit?

The Impact of Bad Credit on Medical Loans

Having bad credit can affect your ability to get a medical loan. Lenders consider your credit score as an indicator of your financial responsibility, and a low credit score may make them hesitant to approve your application. However, there are still options available for individuals with bad credit who need a medical loan.

Options for Getting a Medical Loan with Bad Credit

If you have bad credit, you may need to explore different lenders and loan options. Some lenders specialize in providing medical loans for individuals with bad credit, while others may offer personal loans that can be used for medical expenses. Additionally, you may consider applying for a secured medical loan where you provide collateral to secure the loan.

Improving Your Chances of Approval with Bad Credit

If you have bad credit but still need a medical loan, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of approval. This includes checking your credit report for any errors, paying off outstanding debts, and demonstrating a stable income. By improving your credit score, you can increase your chances of being approved for a medical loan.

How To Choose the Best Bad Credit Medical Loans?

Overview of the Best Medical Loans for Bad Credit

When looking for the best medical loans for bad credit, it's important to consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and any additional fees or charges. Some lenders may have higher interest rates for individuals with bad credit, while others may offer more flexible repayment options.

Comparison of Interest Rates and Repayment Terms

Comparing the interest rates and repayment terms of different lenders is essential to find the best medical loan for your specific needs. Look for lenders who offer competitive rates and flexible repayment options, allowing you to comfortably pay back the loan without straining your budget.

Considering Other Factors When Choosing a Medical Loan

In addition to interest rates and repayment terms, there are other factors to consider when choosing a medical loan. These factors include the lender's reputation, customer reviews, and any additional services or benefits offered by the lender. It's important to choose a lender that not only offers favorable loan terms but also provides excellent customer service and support.

Are Personal Loans a Good Financing Option for Medical Costs? 

Advantages of Using a Personal Loan for Medical Expenses

Personal loans can be a good financing option for medical expenses, especially if you have bad credit. Unlike medical loans that are specifically designed for medical expenses, personal loans can be used for a variety of purposes, including paying for medical bills. Personal loans often have more flexible eligibility criteria and can provide access to funds quickly.

Disadvantages of Using a Personal Loan for Medical Expenses

While personal loans can be a viable financing option, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Personal loans may have higher interest rates compared to specialized medical loans. Additionally, personal loans may require collateral or a co-signer for individuals with bad credit, which can be a burden.

Considering Alternatives to Personal Loans for Medical Expenses

If personal loans are not suitable for your financial situation, there are alternatives to consider. For example, you may explore other financing options such as medical credit cards or payment plans offered by healthcare providers. These alternatives may have specific terms and conditions that cater to medical expenses.

How to Apply for a Medical Loan with Bad Credit?

Gathering Necessary Documents

Before applying for a medical loan with bad credit, gather all the necessary documents. This may include identification documents, proof of income, bank statements, and any other supporting documents that lenders may require to evaluate your loan application.

Researching and Comparing Lenders

Research and compare different lenders to find the best options for your needs. Look for lenders that specialize in providing medical loans for individuals with bad credit and compare their interest rates, repayment terms, and customer reviews. This will help you make an informed decision.

Submitting Your Loan Application

Once you have gathered the necessary documents and selected a lender, complete and submit your loan application. Provide accurate and honest information about your financial situation and medical expenses. Be prepared to discuss your bad credit history and any steps you have taken to improve your credit.


In conclusion, medical loans can be a lifeline for individuals with bad credit who need financial assistance to cover medical expenses. While having bad credit may limit your options, there are still lenders willing to work with you. By understanding how medical loans work, exploring the best options available, and improving your credit score, you can overcome any obstacles and find the financing you need to pay for necessary medical treatments.


Q: What are medical loans for bad credit?

A: Medical loans for bad credit are loans specifically designed to help individuals with poor credit pay for medical expenses.

Q: How do medical loans work?

A: Medical loans work like any other type of personal loan. You borrow a certain amount of money and then repay it over time with interest.

Q: Can I get a medical loan with bad credit?

A: Yes, it is possible to get a medical loan with bad credit. However, your options may be more limited and you may have to pay higher interest rates.

Q: What can I use a medical loan for?

A: You can use a medical loan to cover the cost of medical procedures, pay for medical bills, or any other related medical expenses.

Q: Do medical loans require a credit check?

A: Some medical loans may require a credit check, while others may not. It depends on the lender and the specific loan terms.

Q: How much can I borrow with a medical loan?

A: The loan amount you can borrow with a medical loan will depend on your credit profile, income, and the specific lender you choose.

Q: What are the interest rates for medical loans?

A: The interest rates for medical loans can vary depending on your credit score and the lender you choose. Generally, borrowers with bad credit may have to pay higher interest rates.

Q: Will getting a medical loan affect my credit score?

A: Taking out a medical loan may have an impact on your credit score. It is important to make all your payments on time to avoid any negative impact.

Q: Are there any alternatives to medical loans?

A: Yes, there are alternatives to medical loans such as medical financing options, using a credit card to pay for medical expenses, or negotiating payment plans with healthcare providers.

Q: What should I consider before getting a medical loan?

A: Before getting a medical loan, you should consider the interest rates, loan costs, funding time, impact on your credit score, and whether you can afford the monthly payments.

How to Finance Gallbladder Removal Surgery with Bad Credit

The gallbladder is a small organ located in the upper right portion of the abdomen. It plays a vital role in breaking down the fat that you consume in order to produce energy. It stores bile, which is a liquid produced by the liver and released into the small intestine to help the absorption of fat and water. When a small amount of bile is released into the small intestine, it helps with the digestion of dietary fat, which is necessary for the body's normal function.

You'll know when your gallbladder is ailing because you'll start to experience pain in your upper abdomen. If it's not treated, it could lead to serious complications like liver failure and death. So, it's important to find a reliable doctor who can surgically remove your gallbladder. 

Gallbladder removal surgery is a very common surgical procedure. But the cost of the surgery might be higher than you have expected. The good news is that you can use a variety of financing options to pay for your procedure. If you are struggling with high medical bills, then this article is for you. This blog will let you know how you can finance gallbladder removal surgery with bad credit. 

Gallbladder Removal Surgery Cost

The cost of the gallbladder removal surgery may vary based on the location and hospital you are treating. The cost in the United States ranges from $6000 to $20000 in 2022. As per the research, the average cost for a gallbladder removal surgery in the U.S is $15,250. Here is a list of the price range for gallbladder removal surgery in the U.S based on location.

LocationPrice Range
New York, NY - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$5000-$11,500
Chicago, IL - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$4,500 - $10,500
Los Angeles, CA - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$6000-$14,500
Washington, DC - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$4,800 - $11,300
Miami, FL - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$4,500 - $10,500
Dallas, TX - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$4,500 -$10,500
Philadelphia, PA - Gallbladder Removal Average Cost$4,700 - $11,000

Factors that Affect the Cost of Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Following are the factors that affect the cost of gallbladder removal surgery

  • Location of Hospital

The location of the hospital plays an important role to define the cost of the surgery. Especially if you are in a rural area of the country then it may cost you more than an urban area. As rural areas will have fewer hospitals and will have a monopoly on surgical procedures. That is not the case for urban or city areas as there is more competition between the hospitals and will provide more options for the surgical cost. 

  • Inpatient or Outpatient Care

In inpatient care, the patient care is done by the hospital team. The hospital will be responsible for your needs till you recover from the surgery. In outpatient care, the patient's care is done until the surgical procedure is over. Then you will be discharged from the hospital. Obviously, inpatient care is expensive as there are service charges for room, bed, nursing, and other care.  

  • Surgeon Cost

Most hospitals pay surgeons based on the surgery they perform. Highly experienced and trained surgeons will charge more from the hospital for the surgery. Also, hospitals will have a good reputation if they have highly qualified surgeons. Generally speaking, the “better” your surgeon is, the more expensive the surgery will be.

  • Medications and Follow-ups

The total cost associated with gallbladder removal surgery extends beyond the initial expectation. As you may have to pay for the follow-up care afterward. Every appointment after the surgery with the doctor will cost you some extra cash. Along with that, you have to pay for expensive medicines for a fast recovery from the surgery. 

  • Medical Insurance

If the patients have the medical insurance done, they will pay less compared to uninsured patients. Both the insurance company and the insured patients will share the payment, as a result, it will cost less.  If you do not have any health insurance, then you can apply for one. Here are some of the most affordable health insurance companies in the US.

Gallbladder Surgery Financing Options

Gallbladder Surgery is expensive and without insurance assistance, people are forced to pay from their pocket. But the good news is that there are a lot of gallbladder removal surgery financing options available. 

  • A Loan From Pay My Medical

Pay My Medical is formed to provide medical financing services even if you have a bad credit history. At you do not have to fill out long forms and do not have to visit any office. Our online platform will forward your application to our lenders and once accepted they will contact you for further process. 

Pay My Medical has a wide range of lenders and can provide medical loans from $500 to $50,000 based on your requirements. All you have to do is to fill out our online form and provide all the authentic information as needed. If your application is valid, you can get a loan within 24 hours and the cash will be sent directly to your bank account. 

  • Health Saving Account

If you have a Health Saving Account (HSA), then it is one of the best ways to finance your surgical procedure. A health saving account is a savings account where you put funds for your future medical expenses. This money in a health saving account or flexible spending account (FSA) is not taxed. Hence even if you do not have enough savings for your surgery, you can always take advantage of HSA or FSA. 

  • Credit Unions

They are small organizations formed to help people in their community. These are cooperative groups of people of the same community, same race, or same ethnicity. As these groups are formed for the welfare of their community, you can ask for financing a loan from your credit union. Remember, you need to be a member of such unions before applying for a loan. 

  • A Credit Card

Credit cards are other good options for paying for gallbladder removal surgery. Credit card providing companies can provide loans to some extent and you can eventually pay them back. But most credit card companies have high-interest rates on loans so it is better to limit your loan and combine it with other forms of payments. 

Wrapping Up

Gallbladder removal surgery is an expensive surgery and the cost may vary based on the region and services provided by the hospital. Can’t afford gallbladder surgery? You don’t have to worry anymore. Pay My Medical is built for people just like you. We provide medical funding and financing to those who are in need. Apply for your medical loan today.

Cosmetic Surgery Financing in 2022

Cosmetic surgery is one of the most popular surgeries in America. With the rise of technology and the internet, more and more people are looking for cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance. However, not everyone can afford cosmetic surgery. With this in mind, many people are turning to cosmetic surgery financing. 

By using a cosmetic surgery financing company, you can take out a loan which is then put towards your surgery. In this guide, I will be sharing with you the best ways to finance your cosmetic surgery, the different loans that cosmetic surgery financing companies offer, and the benefits of cosmetic surgery financing. 

What is cosmetic surgery financing?

Cosmetic surgery financing is the practice of paying for cosmetic surgery in installments. It is a great way to save money and avoid a hefty bill at the end of it all. But the decision of borrowing money for cosmetic surgery needs to be done carefully. 

You need to check both the positive side and the negative side of borrowing money. If the loan you are financing suits you and the competitive rate and monthly payment seem affordable then you can happily go for it. Always remember that it is an extra expense from your monthly income with added interest. So try to save your money more and avoid spending it on unwanted luxury. 

Types of Cosmetic Surgery

Here are some of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that you can start financing.

Facial Cosmetic Surgery

There are various facial cosmetic surgeries like eyelid surgery, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Rhytidectomy, Browplasty, Chin augmentation, and more. 

Eyelid surgery is done in order to reshape the eyelids, especially during the older age. Due to aging, the skin becomes lax causing the dropping of the upper lid. With eyelid surgery, the skin around the eye tightens and the shape of the face also changes in a good way. 

Rhinoplasty involves the reshaping of the nose. The surgery is often done to improve the facial appearance but is also performed to improve the breathing of the patient. 

Otoplasty involves the reshaping of the ears. The surgery lets the ears be fixed and makes them look more natural. 

Rhytidectomy involves the tightening of the facial skin in order to look younger. The surgery includes the removal of the wrinkles and tightening of the facial tissue 

Browplasty involves the removal of forehead wrinkles and worry lines. Rhytidectomy is done alongside Browplasty to achieve a natural facial appearance. 

Chin augmentation involves the reshaping of the chin. The surgery includes the manipulation of the chin bone along with the muscle in order to achieve a balanced overall facial look.

Cheek augmentation is just like chin augmentation where the cheekbones are manipulated or a cheek implant is performed. 

Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation, enlargement, and reduction are the standard surgeries. Breast augmentation or enlargement is performed by using silicone gel prosthetics for those women who feel their breasts are too small. Whereas breast reduction helps reduce the breast size which also helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer. 


Liposuction is performed to remove the excessive fat from different body parts. The surgery involves the suction of excess fat through a surgical tube. Although the surgery is performed to reduce the risk of diabetes or heart disease, it is also common in patients who just want to lose weight fast. It involves the removal of fat from body parts like the abdomen, back, butt, thigh, etc. 

Buttock Augmentation

It involves the change of shape of the buttocks to make them look more attractive. It may involve the removal of excessive skin and thighs in order to tighten them or silicone implants to make them look bigger. 

Hair Transplant

Hair loss is the most common problem in both men and women. There are some hair loss treatment techniques but they are not the solution for the bald head. Hair transplant involves the transplantation of new and healthy hairs in bald areas. These new hairs are taken from the back of your head depending upon the density of the hair. 

Different Types of Financing Options You Can Look For

Loan From Bank

One of the excellent approaches you could get your mortgage is through banks. Banks can provide different types of loans such as construction loans, personal loans, auto loans, and more. The main problem with financing a loan from banks is that they take a lot of time to verify your documents. Also, the fee they took for financing loans is too much to cover and the interest rate they provide also changes over time.

Credit Unions

One of the best sources from where you can finance your loan is “credit unions”. Credit unions are cooperative groups formed by people of the same race, community, or ethnicity. These unions are controlled and managed by their members. As a result, to get a loan from a credit union, you must have to be a member of the union. If you are already a member of a credit union, you can ask how much loan you can finance and at what interest rate.

Credit Cards

Credit Cards are meant to be used for some advance cash. The credit card providing company can provide extra cash or a loan from your credit card. One of the advantages of using credit cards is that they provide advance money at 0% interest. Also, most credit card companies only provide a small amount of cash in advance. This amount of cash may not be sufficient for your surgical procedure.

How does Cosmetic Surgery Financing work at Pay My Medical?

The loan for cosmetic surgery financing depends on the lender. The interest rate depends on the different loan plans provided by the financing company. For example, Pay My offers surgery loans up to $25,000 with competitive interest rates and affordable monthly payments. 

Pay My Medical provides different loan plans and you can choose the one that suits you the best. If you are lucky enough, you can also get interest-free financing. Do you have bad credit? No worries, we got you covered. Pay My Medical provides medical loans even if you have a bad credit history. 

How to Apply for a Cosmetic Surgery Loan?

Unlike any other medical loan lending company, in Pay My Medical you do not have to go through a long tedious process. Instead, you just have to complete the simple online form. Just make sure that all the information you provided is authentic. 

Before applying for the loan, you must meet a few requirements. You need to be a U.S citizen or permanent resident with an age over 18. Also, you need to show documents that can prove you have a steady income of $1000 per month (min.) after all your taxes are deducted. 

Along with that, you must provide a valid work phone number, a valid email address, a valid bank account in your name, and a valid working home address. If you meet all these requirements, then you are likely to get the medical loan that you always desired. Once the lender approves you, they will deposit the money right into the bank account that you provided. You can then use that cash for your cosmetic surgical treatment.  Apply for a medical loan today.

How to Reduce Healthcare Costs?

One of the biggest expenses for most people is healthcare. Healthcare costs in the United States are astronomical and on the rise. This is impacting not only the total amount of money that people are paying for healthcare but also the quality of healthcare that is being provided. Ever since the emergence and rise of coronavirus across the world, the healthcare cost has increased significantly and people are looking for ways to make them more affordable. 

From major health-related diseases like Cancer, HIV, Tuberculosis, Diabetes, and heart diseases to minor fever, blood pressure, and common cold, the costs for treatment aren’t getting any lower. While the only permanent solution to reduce healthcare costs is to maintain a good healthy living, eat healthily, and stay fit with exercise, some diseases are just inevitable. No matter how healthy you live, one way or another you will attract diseases, and to reduce the healthcare cost, it’s better you seek immediate attention before it gets any serious. Nobody expected coronavirus yet millions of people died because of it across the world. 

However, with some information, you can reduce healthcare costs and make them more affordable and plan your treatment. Below we have listed a few tricks that you can practice to reduce your healthcare costs and save money. 

Plan For Emergency Care

Emergencies happen. You could be in an accident, have a heart attack, or suffer a serious injury. It’s impossible to predict when an emergency will happen, but you can take steps to prepare for it.  Emergencies come in all forms. Some are obvious, like natural disasters, car accidents, or house fires. Other emergencies are less obvious, like walking through a parking lot and being in a car accident. Having an action plan in place where your family knows what to do in the event of an emergency can help save lives, not to mention save valuable time and money.

Save Money on Medicines

While there are many ways to cut medical costs, you shouldn’t try to save money in case of emergency situations. To save money on medicines, you can ask your doctor or health professional if taking generic medicines would be ok. Generic medicines have the same active ingredients but cost way less than branded ones. You can also ask for alternatives that cost less and are just as effective. If you use online pharmacies, you can get extra discounts on your medicines and get them delivered to your home. However, make sure you order the right dosage and milligrams as medicines come in different mg based on the age of the patient. Maintain your medicine schedule and don’t miss taking them until directed by the healthcare professional. Skipping your medicines can cause further more serious health issues which will cost even more.

Taking Care of your Health

They say an apple a day can keep the doctor away.  That’s why the best way to save money on healthcare is to take care of your health. Your health is determined by how healthy you eat, how much you exercise, and whether or not you have any bad drinking or smoking habits. Regular exercise and healthy eating/sleeping can reduce healthcare risks and can help you stay healthy overall.  

Choose a Health Plan That Suits You

There are many healthcare centers and hospitals that offer personalized healthcare plans, but you don't necessarily have to choose an expensive plan if your disease isn't that critical. You should think carefully about your health needs and pick a plan that addresses your part of the health problem. You can pick a premium plan that meets your needs and budget.

Apply for a Health Insurance

You probably have health insurance already but if you don’t, it’s time to get one. Health insurance can save you thousands of dollars and can help you cure expensive treatments at a lesser cost. Health insurance offers plans for treatments of most diseases but many of them don’t operate in emergency situations. Apply for health insurance that provides emergency medical funding. Additionally, you should check for all the treatments covered by the insurance company before you apply for it. 

Use Your Company’s Healthcare Services

Many companies provide annual healthcare services for their employees free of cost. Look at your employment contract  to see if any healthcare costs are included in it. However, the company might not cover all expenses but you will get an idea of how much the treatment costs and what are the risks. 

Get Bad Credit Medical Loans

If you are on bad credit and need immediate medical attention, you can consult Pay My Medical and get a bad credit medical loan as soon as tomorrow. Pay My Medical supports all credit types and the loan amount will be automatically deposited in your bank account upon approval. All you have to do is complete and submit a request through the form. We will then instantly match it with the qualified offer and finalize the loan with the lending provider. You can save money on medical loans at Pay My medical.


Most Common Surgeries and their Cost in the US

Surgery is an expensive procedure, and depending on the surgery, the costs can be astronomical. According to the American Hospital Association, more than one out of every three people in the United States will undergo a surgical procedure in their lifetime. It is important to be aware of the various types of surgeries and to understand the costs associated with each. 

 What are the most common surgeries in the US? Surgeries like broken bone repair, joint replacement, hysterectomy, heart bypass surgery, etc are the most common ones.  In this blog, We will discuss the five most common surgical procedures and their costs in the United States. 

Hernia Rupture Repair

Hernia rupture is a type of hernia that causes a protrusion of an organ through the abdominal wall. It is a severe condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Many people suffering from hernia rupture might not even realize they have the condition. Symptoms of hernia rupture include a bulge or lump in the belly or groin area, pain, and loss of bowel control. This can lead to serious complications, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Around 1 million hernia repair surgery are performed every year in the United States, making it one of the most common surgical procedures. The treatment for the hernia might cost between $5,000 to $10,000 in the US.

Broken Bone Repair

Every year there are more than 650,000 cases of bone fractures that undergo surgery in the United States. Not all bone fracture cases will undergo surgery. Only those cases that have severe damage to the bone or those that are not healing correctly are accepted for surgery. Sometimes there might be a case where the position of the fracture is too difficult to reach from outside. Such cases might also need surgical treatment. As a result, the cost of the surgery also depends on the type of injury you have. If the bone is severely damaged then it will cost higher but if it is just fractured in the common area then it might cost around $6,000 to $10,000 in the US.

Joint Replacement

With more than a million cases of joint replacement, this surgical treatment is one of the most common surgeries in the US. The joint replacement procedure is used to replace a damaged joint with a healthy one. This procedure is often done in order to replace a knee or hip joint that has been damaged due to arthritis or osteoarthritis. The surgery is also performed to replace a damaged spine caused by a disease or injury. Every year, more than 700,000 patients do knee-joint replacement surgery and 300,000 patients do hip-joint replacement surgery in the US. The average cost of joint replacement surgery in the US ranges from $20,000 - $35,000. 


Hysterectomy, also called a hysteroscopy, is a surgical procedure performed to remove the uterus and cervix. It is a common procedure in which the doctor uses a long, thin tube to remove the uterus and cervix. The most common reasons for this procedure are uterine fibroids, abnormal bleeding, and abnormal uterine growth. There are more than 500,000 women that perform Hysterectomy every year. That is why it is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States. The cost for the surgery might also vary as there are multiple procedures that can be done. If we had to be specific, the open abdominal surgery will cost around $10,000 to $15000 in the US.

Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that is used to improve the blood flow in the heart. It is a type of bypass surgery, in which a healthy artery is connected to the blocked section of the blood vessels. This surgery is typically used to treat heart problems such as heart failure, chronic heart failure, or coronary artery disease.  The surgery is also termed a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and has around 400,000 treatments every year in the US. It is one of the most expensive surgeries performed in the US with an average surgery cost of more than $40,000.

Gallbladder Removal (Cholecystectomy)

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ situated just under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile, the bitter yellow-green digestive juice produced by the liver, which is released into the small intestine during the process of digestion. In a long run, some people may develop gallstones which will block the flow of the bile. As a result, they will suffer from chest pain, upper abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. If not treated on time, the patient might suffer from conditions like appendicitis, ulcers, heart attacks, reflux disease, etc.  

According to the World Health Organization, gallbladder disease is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide. Globally, the number of people with this condition is estimated to be at least 75 million.  In the US alone, there are more than 500,000 patients that undergo gallbladder removal treatment every year. The average cost of gallbladder removal surgery ranges from $25,000 to $30,000 in the US.

Final Words

Surgeries are expensive and you might not even have enough money to undergo any of these common surgical treatments. Even on our list, the cheapest surgery cost around $5000 in the United States. If you have to go for a surgical treatment that is more intensive, then the cost of the surgery will also increase. Sometimes you won’t have enough cash to go through the intense surgical treatment. But with our platform, you will be able to start your treatment as soon as possible. 

PayMyMedical provides you with medical loans even if you have a bad credit score. The process is very easy and only takes a few minutes to apply. Go to PayMyMedical and apply for your first medical loan today.

Best Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospitals in the US

Neurological disorders are common among people of all demographics and age ranges. These disorders can affect the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves. A neurological disorder is a medical condition that produces a change in the way the brain functions. This condition can be caused by a number of factors and can result in a wide range of symptoms. 

The general factors that can cause neurological problems are genetic disorders, congenital abnormalities, infections, malnutrition, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and nerve injury. Some common types of symptoms are paralysis, loss of sensation, muscle weakness, confusion, loss of consciousness, and pain. 

The US is home to a wide range of hospitals to help treat neurological diseases and injuries. These hospitals offer the latest in technology and treatments for those with neurological disorders including multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and brain tumors. If you are searching for hospitals that can help recover from a neurological condition, then you are in the perfect place. In this blog, we're going to talk about the best hospitals in the US for neurological disorders. 

Best Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospitals in the US

  1. UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center

UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center is a San Francisco, CA based Neurology and Neurosurgery hospital. It is ranked #9 on the best hospital honor roll, #3 hospital in California, and #1 in the San Francisco metro area in general medical and surgical facility. 

Popular Services:

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. New York-Presbyterian Hospital- Columbia and Cornell

New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia and Cornell from New York, NY is another best hospital for Neurological disorder treatments. It is ranked #7 on the best hospitals honor roll and #1 hospital in New York and New York City metro area. For cardiology and heart surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, diabetes and endocrinology, and psychiatry, it is ranked #5 nationally. 

Popular Services:

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. Rush University Medical Center

Rush University Medical Center from Chicago, IL is a Neurology and Neurosurgery based teaching hospital. It is ranked #19 on the best hospitals honor roll and #2 hospital in Illinois and Chicago metro area. It is also ranked #5 in Neurology and Neurosurgery nationally. 

Popular services:

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. Johns Hopkins Hospital

Johns Hopkins Hospital from Baltimore, MD is another popular Neurology and Neurosurgery hospital on our list. It is ranked #4 on the best hospital honor roll and ranked #1 hospital in Maryland and Baltimore metro area. Johns Hopkins Hospital is ranked #5 nationally for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Urology, and Rheumatology. 

Popular Services: 

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. NYU Langone Hospitals

NYU Langone Hospitals in New York, NY is the 2nd best hospital after New York-Presbyterian Hospital- Columbia and Cornell in New York City metro area. It is ranked #8 on the best hospital honor roll and is ranked #5 in Cardiology and Heart Surgery, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Geriatrics, Neurology & Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics nationally. 

Popular Services: 

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN is #1 ranked teaching hospital on the best hospitals honor roll. It is also ranked #1 hospital in Minnesota and the best nationally in Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Gynecology, Lung Surgery, and Urology. Mayo Clinic is ranked #5 in Cancer, Cardio & Heart Surgery, Gynecology, and more.

Popular Services:

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

  1. Cleveland Clinic 

Cleveland Clinic from Cleveland, OH is the last Neurology and Neurosurgery hospital on our list. It is ranked #2 on the best hospitals honor roll, #1 hospital in Ohio & Cleveland metro area, and #5 nationally in Cardiology & Heart Surgery, Gynecology, Gastroenterology & GI surgery, Urology, and more. 

Popular Services:

  • Cardiac ICU

  • Medical Surgical ICU

  • Bariatric/Weight Control Services

  • Onsite Emergency Department

Wrapping Up

We hope you were able to find the best Neurology and Neurosurgery hospitals for you in the US. Neurological disorders can be treated if the patient can get the proper treatment and the required services. Hospitals from our list above have all the facilities required for the treatment along with highly qualified and experienced doctors from worldwide.  We recommend you choose the one nearest to you and get the treatment done before it’s too late.

Best Cancer Hospitals in The US

Cancer is a very scary word to hear. What’s scarier is when you know you or your friends or family member is diagnosed with it. The decision of where you should go for treatment becomes much more difficult and a lot more stressful. Cancers are one of the most feared diseases but have become one of the most survivable because of advances in treatment, and technology. If you are diagnosed with Cancer and getting thoughts of dying, hold on to it as there is a good chance that you will live a long and healthy life if the treatment is done in time. The Cancer death rate has decreased to 27% from nearly 200% in the last 20 years.

If you are at the early stage of cancer, you probably don’t have to worry much. However, you must seek immediate attention from the doctor for the treatment. But where should you go? Stress no more! In this curated article, we list the best Cancer hospitals in the US. Read on!

Best Cancer Hospitals in the US

#1 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is a teaching hospital in Houston, TX. This hospital is ranked nationally in 7 adult specialties and 1 pediatric specialty and rated high performing in 2 procedures and conditions and 2 adult specialties. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is ranked #1 in the country for all kinds of cancer treatments.

Popular Services:

·         Onsite Emergency Department

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Cancer Surgery

#2 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is a teaching hospital and cancer facility in New York, NY. It is nationally ranked in 8 adult specialties and 1 pediatric specialty and rated as a high performing center in 1 adult specialty and 2 procedures and conditions. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is ranked #2 as the best cancer hospital in the US for the emergency services available.

Popular Services:

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Cancer Surgery

·         Other treatment includes: Diabetes, Ear, Nose, Throat, Gynecology, GI Surgery

#3 Mayo Clinic, Rochester

Mayo Clinic is a teaching hospital, general medical, and surgery center in Rochester, MN. Mayo Clinic is ranked #1 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll in the latest statistics. Mayo Clinic is nationally ranked in 14 adults and 8 pediatric specialties. It is also rated as a high-performing hospital in 1 adult specialty and 16 procedures and conditions. Mayo Clinic is also ranked the No. 1 hospital in Minnesota and the best in the country for the treatment of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Gynecology, Pulmonology & Lung Surgery, and Urology.

Popular Services:

·         Cardiac ICU

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Bariatric/Weight Control Services

·         Onsite Emergency Department

#4 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a teaching hospital and cancer facility in Boston, MA, and is nationally ranked in 1 adult specialty and 1 pediatric specialty and is rated as high performing hospital in 2 adult procedures and conditions. The performance of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Cancer, Colon Cancer Surgery, and Lung Cancer Surgery is being evaluated by different health institutions for performance.

#5 Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland

Cleveland Clinic is a general medical and surgical facility teaching hospital in Cleveland, OH. It is ranked No. 2 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Cleveland Clinic is nationally ranked in 13 adults and 10 pediatric specialties and rated as high performing hospital in 17 adult procedures and conditions. Cleveland Clinic is the best cancer treatment option for you if you are from around Cleveland and territories as it provides emergency services and the patient satisfaction rate is high.

Popular Services:

·         Cardiac ICU

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Bariatric/Weight Control Services

·         Onsite Emergency Department

#6 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore

Johns Hopkins Hospital is a general medical and surgical facility and a teaching hospital in Baltimore, MD and is ranked #4 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Johns Hopkins Hospital is nationally ranked in 15 adults and 10 pediatric specialties and rated as high performing hospital in 15 adult procedures and conditions. Johns Hopkins Hospital also ranks as the #1 hospital in the Maryland and Baltimore metro area. Johns Hopkins Hospital is nationally ranked in the top 5 in Ear, Nose & Throat, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Rheumatology, and Urology.

Popular Services:

·         Cardiac ICU

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Bariatric/Weight Control Services

·         Onsite Emergency Department

#7 Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago


Northwestern Memorial Hospital is a general medical and surgical facility and teaching hospital in Chicago, IL. Northwestern Memorial Hospital is ranked No. 10 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Northwestern Memorial Hospital is nationally ranked in 10 adult specialties and rated high performing hospital in 1 adult specialty and 17 procedures and conditions.

Popular Services:

·         Cardiac ICU

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Bariatric/Weight Control Services

·         Onsite Emergency Department

#8 UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles

UCLA Medical Center is a general medical and surgical facility and teaching hospital in Los Angeles, CA.  UCLA Medical Center is ranked No. 3 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. It is nationally ranked in 14 adults and 6 pediatric specialties and rated high performing hospital in 17 adult procedures and conditions. UCLA Medical Center also ranks #1 in California & Los Angeles metro area and top 5 nationally in Diabetes & Endocrinology, Geriatrics, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry and Pulmonology, Orthopedics, & Lung Surgery.

Popular Services:

·         Cardiac ICU

·         Medical Surgical ICU

·         Bariatric/Weight Control Services

·         Onsite Emergency Department

Wrapping Up

We hope you were able to find the best cancer hospitals for you in the US. There are so many people who have been touched by cancer and have gone through the difficult process of fighting the disease. But that doesn’t mean, it should necessarily be stressful for you too. With the best cancer hospital from the list above, you can choose the one nearest to you and get the treatment done before it’s too late.

The Best 4 Hair Loss Treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia

Hair loss is something that everyone experiences. Many people suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives. It’s a natural part of life, but just because it’s natural doesn’t mean that it’s pleasant. One of the most common causes of hair loss is stress. Whether you’re suffering from stress-related to work, school, or relationships, hair loss can be the result. 

Far too often, however, people are told that hair loss is genetic or that there’s nothing they can do to stop the process. The medical term for this type of hair loss is alopecia. But the truth is, there are treatments that can stop hair loss from alopecia. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at some of the most popular treatments for hair loss and how to use them for the best results. 

What causes hair loss?

Causes of hair loss include genetics and hormonal changes, the environment, and poor nutrition. If you have a hair loss of less than 20 per day then it is normal. Just improve your diet and wash your hair with regular shampoo twice and use proper natural oils. This will reduce your hair fall significantly. But if you have a lot of hair loss, you may want to consider contacting a hair specialist. A dermatologist can help you find the cause of the hair loss and can offer you the best treatment for it.

Androgenetic alopecia is the main cause of hair loss in men. This is caused due to increase in endogenous androgen i.e. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). The enzyme 5α-reductase will convert the testosterone produced by the human body into DHT. The DHT will attack the area where there is less blood circulation. As the human head will have the least blood circulation, the DHT seems to have the most density on the top of the head. This is the reason why most men are bald on their top but not on the sides. 

What are the best treatments for hair loss?

There are many treatments to stop hair loss, but you should be careful when choosing a treatment. You should get a treatment that is proven to be effective for your hair type, and you should follow the treatment guidelines. If you have tried a number of treatments but still haven't found one that works, you can try a hair transplant. This is a more invasive treatment, but it can be a great option for some people. Now let’s talk about the big 4 treatments you should follow to stop your hair loss and regrow new hairs. Remember you can choose any one treatment but if that is not effective then use these treatments combined. 

  • Minoxidil

Minoxidil is the topical solution that increases blood circulation on top of your scalp. Generally, they come in 2%, 5%, and 10% solutions. You can always start with a 2% solution if you do not have progressive hair loss. But doctors generally recommend starting with 5%. Most popular minoxidil product is Rogaine. It is recommended that Rogaine be applied twice a day. If you are using Rogaine, it is important to see your doctor regularly. This is because the treatment cannot be used by men who have a prostate gland problem. Rogaine is also not recommended for women who are pregnant.

  • Finasteride/Dutasteride 

These are oral medications that you can use for hair loss treatment. These are used to reduce the 5α-reductase enzymes that convert the testosterone into DHT. The use of Finasteride and Dutasteride was initially done for cancer treatment. These products are also given after you do a hair transplant as they help grow hair faster. Studies have shown that the patient who used Finasteride /dutasteride has stopped hair loss by up to 90%. The hairs become thick and strong but the regrowth of new hair was almost none. These treatments have shown some side effects in men like loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, etc. That is why we strongly recommend you to visit your physician before taking any oral treatments. 

  • Micro-needling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that uses a series of tiny punctures on the skin’s surface to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. The small wounds in the skin cause the cells in the skin to regenerate. Thus increasing the blood circulation in your scalp. It is a safe and effective way to treat hair loss and can help revitalize the look of your hair. There are products like derma roller and derma pen that you can find in any medical shop. You need to be careful while doing micro-needling on your own. As you are creating tiny pores in your scalp, there might be an infection. Always sterilize the needles with hot water or sprite before using it. 

  • Ketoconazole

Ketoconazole is a shampoo that you can purchase from any medical shop. These Shampoo helps clean your scalp most effectively. They help fight against fungal infection and dandruff which are also the cause of hair loss. They might come with any name but will have 2% ketoconazole as a solution. Ketoconazole shampoo has been very effective for most patients and is recommended by every doctor. 

What is the Best Hair Care Routine?

For the best and faster results, we recommend you to use a combination of minoxidil, Finasteride, micro-needling, and Ketoconazole. Minoxidil twice a day is recommended by the doctors but if you feel side effects then you can use it once a day. You might feel some shedding (more hair fall) in the first 3-4 weeks. Don’t worry they will come back. Finasteride 1 mg is recommended by the doctor per day. If you feel it is too much for you, you can reduce it to 1 mg per 2 days. The best way to use micro-needling is once a week. First, clean your scalp with ketoconazole shampoo and after your scalp is dry, use a derma roller or derma pen. Use it until you see some redness on your scalp. Ketoconazole shampoo should be used more than 2 times a week. If you had to do head wash more then use any normal shampoo. Also, we recommend not using minoxidil just after you have done micro-needling as it can cause infection. Wait 2-3 hours before applying any topical after micro-needling. 

Hair Transplant as Final Solution

A hair transplant will be the only solution if you do not have any hair on your head. If you have baldness above grade 3, we recommend you do not waste your time on the above treatments. The regrowing of new hairs with the above treatments is very difficult. Also, the above treatments are effective when you are facing hair loss and you want to stop them completely. If you already have lost a lot of hairs then probably these are not going to work. Hair transplants have been cheaper these days as compared to the old days. Everyone is trying hair transplant as it is very effective and all the hairs are natural. 

Final Words

A lot of people are experiencing hair loss as they age. It can be a difficult process to grow older and it is something that requires a lot of dedication. Yes, there are treatments as mentioned above but to see results you need to be consistent. Give at least 3 months before seeing any results. Remember all these treatments are temporary. That is, once you stop caring about your hair, the hair fall will start again. Thus continue the treatment for years till you feel the hair fall does not matter anymore. If you see side effects then you can take a break and can start again once the side effects are gone.  

If you're searching for a hair transplant but don't have enough money, PayMyMedical can help. We provide medical loans for hair loss treatments, even if you have bad or no credit. So don't worry if you have a bad credit history. PayMyMedical has you covered for any type of medical loan. Apply for your medical loan now at PayMyMedical. It is free to apply and takes only a few minutes to get the best loan.

The Most Affordable Health Insurance Companies

The Most Affordable Health Insurance Companies

Getting affordable health insurance was once close to impossible in the U.S. Many people were struggling to pay hefty hospital bills, which would leave them in debt. This changed in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was passed, improving the way of life for many Americans. Many households earning a lower income would now have access to affordable health insurance premiums.