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Most Common Surgeries and their Cost in the US

Surgery is an expensive procedure, and depending on the surgery, the costs can be astronomical. According to the American Hospital Association, more than one out of every three people in the United States will undergo a surgical procedure in their lifetime. It is important to be aware of the various types of surgeries and to understand the costs associated with each. 

 What are the most common surgeries in the US? Surgeries like broken bone repair, joint replacement, hysterectomy, heart bypass surgery, etc are the most common ones.  In this blog, We will discuss the five most common surgical procedures and their costs in the United States. 

Hernia Rupture Repair

Hernia rupture is a type of hernia that causes a protrusion of an organ through the abdominal wall. It is a severe condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Many people suffering from hernia rupture might not even realize they have the condition. Symptoms of hernia rupture include a bulge or lump in the belly or groin area, pain, and loss of bowel control. This can lead to serious complications, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Around 1 million hernia repair surgery are performed every year in the United States, making it one of the most common surgical procedures. The treatment for the hernia might cost between $5,000 to $10,000 in the US.

Broken Bone Repair

Every year there are more than 650,000 cases of bone fractures that undergo surgery in the United States. Not all bone fracture cases will undergo surgery. Only those cases that have severe damage to the bone or those that are not healing correctly are accepted for surgery. Sometimes there might be a case where the position of the fracture is too difficult to reach from outside. Such cases might also need surgical treatment. As a result, the cost of the surgery also depends on the type of injury you have. If the bone is severely damaged then it will cost higher but if it is just fractured in the common area then it might cost around $6,000 to $10,000 in the US.

Joint Replacement

With more than a million cases of joint replacement, this surgical treatment is one of the most common surgeries in the US. The joint replacement procedure is used to replace a damaged joint with a healthy one. This procedure is often done in order to replace a knee or hip joint that has been damaged due to arthritis or osteoarthritis. The surgery is also performed to replace a damaged spine caused by a disease or injury. Every year, more than 700,000 patients do knee-joint replacement surgery and 300,000 patients do hip-joint replacement surgery in the US. The average cost of joint replacement surgery in the US ranges from $20,000 - $35,000. 


Hysterectomy, also called a hysteroscopy, is a surgical procedure performed to remove the uterus and cervix. It is a common procedure in which the doctor uses a long, thin tube to remove the uterus and cervix. The most common reasons for this procedure are uterine fibroids, abnormal bleeding, and abnormal uterine growth. There are more than 500,000 women that perform Hysterectomy every year. That is why it is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States. The cost for the surgery might also vary as there are multiple procedures that can be done. If we had to be specific, the open abdominal surgery will cost around $10,000 to $15000 in the US.

Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that is used to improve the blood flow in the heart. It is a type of bypass surgery, in which a healthy artery is connected to the blocked section of the blood vessels. This surgery is typically used to treat heart problems such as heart failure, chronic heart failure, or coronary artery disease.  The surgery is also termed a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and has around 400,000 treatments every year in the US. It is one of the most expensive surgeries performed in the US with an average surgery cost of more than $40,000.

Gallbladder Removal (Cholecystectomy)

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ situated just under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile, the bitter yellow-green digestive juice produced by the liver, which is released into the small intestine during the process of digestion. In a long run, some people may develop gallstones which will block the flow of the bile. As a result, they will suffer from chest pain, upper abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. If not treated on time, the patient might suffer from conditions like appendicitis, ulcers, heart attacks, reflux disease, etc.  

According to the World Health Organization, gallbladder disease is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide. Globally, the number of people with this condition is estimated to be at least 75 million.  In the US alone, there are more than 500,000 patients that undergo gallbladder removal treatment every year. The average cost of gallbladder removal surgery ranges from $25,000 to $30,000 in the US.

Final Words

Surgeries are expensive and you might not even have enough money to undergo any of these common surgical treatments. Even on our list, the cheapest surgery cost around $5000 in the United States. If you have to go for a surgical treatment that is more intensive, then the cost of the surgery will also increase. Sometimes you won’t have enough cash to go through the intense surgical treatment. But with our platform, you will be able to start your treatment as soon as possible. 

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