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How to Prevent Wrinkles Naturally

There are a lot of things that can cause your skin to wrinkle. It’s part of the natural aging process, ultraviolet radiation sun exposure, smoking, genetic factors, and some medications can cause your skin to wrinkle. 

Wrinkles occur when the connective tissue that supports your skin begins to break down. This occurs naturally as you get older, but there are many factors that can accelerate the process. 

People turn to surgery, Botox, facelifts, and a number of other invasive treatments in order to be wrinkle free. But is this the only way? No. There are things you can try at home to prevent wrinkles naturally and promote skin health. 

Here are 4 natural ways to prevent wrinkles.

 1. Aloe Vera 

The benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for thousands of years and it even has the science to back it up. There are studies that show it can prevent wrinkles naturally, add collagen, and help hydrate the skin.

 You could easily find aloe vera gel at your local pharmacy or drugstore. If you live in a warm or tropical environment, you could even grow it at home. 

Aloe vera is considered to be completely safe when applied topically, but can carry risks if you ingest it.

 2. Hydrate

 One of the main causes for wrinkles is dehydration and there are many things you can do to help this. If you are frequently dehydrated, here are two things you should be adding to your routine.

 1. Drink plenty of water

If you’re like me, you reach for a cup of coffee to start your mornings every day. But caffeine can easily dehydrate you. So, you should make sure to drink more water if you take caffeine daily.

You should also be drinking more water if you live in a hot environment, especially if you exercise.

2. Moisturize your skin

There are a lot of reasons you should add a quality moisturizer to your daily routine. Throughout the day, your skin gets weathered by the sun and wind. Moisturizing can protect and hydrate skin quickly, making it a powerful way to prevent wrinkles naturally. 

3. Eat healthy foods 

Eating healthy can play a vital role in preventing wrinkles. Here’s a list of foods you can eat to help naturally prevent wrinkles.

  • Avocadoes

  • Egg whites

  • Oysters

  • Beans

  • Almonds

  • Bananas

  • Oatmeal

  • Yogurt 

Remember, your skin can say a lot about what is going on inside of you. If you aren’t eating well, then you won’t have the essential nutrients your skin needs to look alive and healthy. This can be a simple way to add color, reduce wrinkles, and just make your skin feel better.

Foods to avoid:

  • Fatty meats

  • Sugary pastries

  • Alcohol

  • French fries

  • Potato chips

4. Banana mask

 Bananas carry a lot of health benefits, but did you know they can also help prevent wrinkles naturally?  Bananas are packed with nutrients vital to skin health, contain powerful antioxidants, and are a great source of fiber.

 Making a banana mask is easy, just follow these 3 steps:

 1. Remove the banana from its peel and mash it until it is a fine paste.

You are going to want to remove clumps of solid banana, so that it will be easier to spread across your skin. Try using a blender to make this step easier.

 2. Apply a thin layer to your face and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes.

You don’t have to add too much; just make sure you cover the surface of your skin. Give it some time to really work into your skin and allow the hydrating and nutrient-rich properties to absorb.

 3. Wash it off with warm water.

Washing banana paste off is easy and it doesn’t take a lot of time. Don’t worry too much if you keep the paste on your skin longer than 20 minutes. The paste is gentle and can be a great option for people with sensitive skin. 

Use natural remedies for wrinkles 

You don’t need to resort to unnatural or invasive treatments to get rid of wrinkles. Just follow these 4 easy ways to prevent wrinkles naturally.

Most importantly, try to stay healthy. Better health is going to lead to better skin.