paymymedical Botox for excessive underarm sweating? Yes, and here’s how | Pay My Medical

Botox for Excessive Underarm Sweating? Yes, and here’s how!

Excessive underarm sweating can interfere with your day to day life. You need to plan ahead for what you’ll wear, what you’ll eat, and who you are going to be around. But it doesn’t have to be this way and you don’t have to rely on over the counter antiperspirants anymore.

Botox for excessive underarm sweating is the kind of treatment that tends to just switch it off. Patients can receive dramatic results after having no success with numerous other remedies.

If you suffer from excessive sweating and want to know more about how Botox can help, then keep reading to learn how it all works. 

What is hyperhidrosis?

 2.8% of people suffer from hyperhidrosis. That’s 7.8 million people in the US alone. Hyperhidrosis could interfere with daily life and cause other skin conditions to develop—such as excessive odor and infections.

 How do you know if you have hyperhidrosis? The best thing you can do is see your doctor or a certified dermatologist to get a diagnosis. Symptoms include excessive sweating caused by various triggers ranging from food, exercise, heat, or nervousness.

If that sounds like you, then you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis and are a great candidate for Botox treatments in your armpits.

 How does it work?

The treatment requires several small injections into your armpit. The injections aren’t deep, only going into the surface of the skin. Botox for excessive underarm sweating targets the sweat glands which exist in the dermis, or superficial layer of your skin.

 Botox blocks a receptor responsible for triggering your sweat glands. This cuts off the signal that triggers sweating in your armpits, doing much more than your typical antiperspirants that just plug your sweat glands.

 The treatment is considered to be very safe and there are very low risks of side effects. The amount typically used in a treatment is far below the amount for toxic side effects. The only side effect you may have from the treatment is some soreness where the injections were placed.

Botox has a very short recovery time and you can get back to your normal life immediately, giving this treatment a major advantage over choosing surgery. It’s as easy as a single visit over the course of several months.

 How long does it last?

Depending on the amount injected, the treatment usually lasts around 6 months. This is not a permanent solution and you will need to have another treatment when it wears off—a small price to pay for life changing benefits.

 If you want something permanent, then you can have laser surgery to destroy your sweat glands. It can be finished in an hour, but the downside is that it is more expensive. You can expect to spend around $3000 for this kind of treatment.

Be sure to ask your clinic exactly how long your treatment will last because they may use more or less on you. It’s a good thing to keep in mind if you plan on getting another treatment before your last one wears off.

Is it worth it?

You can expect a treatment to cost around $1000, but the good news is that your insurance may help you cover the costs associated with Botox for excessive underarm sweating. Make sure to ask your insurance provider if they can cover Botox injections. They usually require you to have tried other alternatives first.

If you need help paying for the treatment you can check out our solutions for help. All you have to do is apply and set up a payment plan. If you don’t already have the money for a treatment, this can be a great option for financing it.

Botox used for excessive underarm sweating is highly effective. It can virtually erase a problem that many of us have had to struggle with on a daily basis. Sweating through clothing can be an embarrassing experience

So, is it worth it? Yes! If you struggle from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, then Botox for excessive underarm sweating can be a great option for you.

Get your sweat under control

Don’t let excessive sweating control what you wear, what you eat, or how you live your life. Take advantage of this simple and effective treatment and embrace the freedom of not having to worry about it anymore.